SMP Privacy Policy

Last revised 4 April 2020


This privacy policy explains the way that SMP Surveys Pty Ltd protects your personal information and data.  This policy is applicable to all products, services and websites.  For the purposes of clarity, this document is divided into two sections – one that is applicable to those who use our services to create surveys and those who are invited to participate in surveys by us or our clients.

For our clients – survey creators or originators.

The information we collect from and about you

When you use SMP Surveys, we collect information relating to you and your use of our services for the purposes of maintaining your account and the services attached to it.  The information we collect directly from and about you includes;

  • Your registration information
  • Your billing information
  • Your account settings, and,
  • Your usage data

This data is used to enable us to charge the relevant and correct account fees and to ensure the overall integrity and performance of the SMP survey system.  This data is not used for any other purpose – it is NEVER sold to others nor shown to others and we take every reasonable effort to keep it private.

The information we collect for you.

This includes the data that we collect for you in the process of conducting your surveys.  This data is owned by you at all times and is for your exclusive use only.  We do not use the survey data you collect in any way nor will we share that data with any other party nor will we open your data files unless:

  • Some technical issue requires us to inspect the data file in order to ensure the integrity of the system, or,
  • You expressly ask us in writing to further process your data for you or share with a third party for a similar processing service.

Respondent Email Addresses

Email addresses uploaded by you for the purpose of inviting people to answer your surveys via email are yours and yours alone.  SMP Surveys Pty Ltd merely provides our clients the ability to store their email contacts on our servers for the purposes of inviting people to respond to your survey invitation.  We will never sell stored addresses and will never examine the stored files except if in the process of investigating any rare technical issue with the software that may threaten the integrity of the system.  Even in this rare occurrence, every effort will be made by us to keep these stored emails safe and private.

 Note that we expect all our clients to honour the relevant spam laws that exist within the regions to which your emails are being sent.

For more information regarding spam laws please see our Terms and Conditions of use.


For Survey Respondents

The information we collect

When you complete surveys hosted by SMP Surveys Pty Ltd on behalf of our clients – the survey creators, the data collected includes the following:

  • The survey responses that you make,
  • Some usage data (Usage Data) that includes the originating IP address and the time it took to complete the survey,
  • Information about the device (Device data) you used to complete the survey,
  • Information about the source that referred (referral data) you to a survey, and,
  • For CAPI surveys only, the longitude and latitude of the location of the survey.

SMP Surveys Pty Ltd does not sell or use the data collected as a result of you completing a survey.  From time to time our clients will ask us to process the data into tables of statistics.  These are aggregated statistics that do not disclose your private information in any way.

We will use the usage data, device data and referral data from time to time.  We use this data to manage and improve the performance of our servers and programs, system administration, record keeping, and security purposes (e.g. controlling SPAM abuse).  By agreeing to this privacy policy, you expressly consent to SMP Surveys Pty Ltd using your IP address for the foregoing purposes. If you wish to opt-out from the foregoing consent to use your IP address, you must cancel your account (if you have one) or not respond to a survey if requested to do so.

As to your survey responses, these are owned by the survey creator and we consider that information to be private to the survey creator.  For information regarding our client’s privacy provisions please refer to them.  We do not sell survey responses to third parties and we do not use our customer’s surveys to contact survey respondents.